{% trans_default_domain 'admin' %} {% set args = {'website': websiteId(), (interfaceName): entity.id} %} {% if interface.masterField is defined and interface.masterField != 'configuration' and interface.masterField != 'website' %} {% set args = args|merge({(interface.masterField): interface.masterFieldId}) %} {% endif %} {% if interface.configuration.uniqueLocale is defined and interface.configuration.uniqueLocale %} {% set entitylocale = masterRequestGet('entitylocale') ? masterRequestGet('entitylocale') : interface.website.configuration.locale %} {% set args = args|merge({"entitylocale": entitylocale}) %} {% endif %} {% set hasInFill = entity.inFill is defined and entity.inFill %} {% set isDeletable = entity.deletable is defined and entity.deletable or entity.deletable is not defined %} {% set hasWebmaster = entity.webmaster is defined and entity.webmaster %}
  • {% if entity.webmaster is defined and entity.webmaster %} {% endif %} {% if entity.isSecure is defined and entity.isSecure %} {% endif %} {% if entity.adminName is defined and entity.adminName %}{{ entity.adminName|striptags|truncate(35) }}{% endif %}
    {% if entity.urls is defined and not hasInFill %} {% include 'admin/core/include/urls-status.html.twig' with {"allLocales": allLocales} %} {% endif %} {% if routeExist('admin_' ~ interfaceName ~ '_layout') and 'edit'|moduleActive(allModules) %} {% endif %} {% if routeExist('admin_' ~ interfaceName ~ '_edit') and 'edit'|moduleActive(allModules) %} {% endif %} {% if routeExist('admin_' ~ interfaceName ~ '_show') and not hasInFill %} {% endif %} {% if interfaceName == 'page' and routeExist('admin_' ~ interfaceName ~ '_duplicate') and 'edit'|moduleActive(allModules) and not hasInFill %} {% endif %} {% if customRoute and routeExist(customRoute) and is_granted(customRole) %} {% endif %} {% if isDeletable and routeExist('admin_' ~ interfaceName ~ '_delete') and 'delete'|moduleActive(allModules) %}
    {% endif %}
    {% set children = tree[entity.id] is defined ? tree[entity.id] : [] %} {% if children %}
      {% for child in children %} {% include 'admin/core/include/tree-element.html.twig' with { 'tree': tree, 'entity': child, 'allModules': allModules, 'allLocales': allLocales, 'interface': interface, "namespace": namespace, "interfaceName": interfaceName, 'customTitle': customTitle, 'customIcon': customIcon, 'customClass': customClass, 'customBtn': customBtn, 'targetLoader': targetLoader, 'targetAjax': targetAjax, 'customRoute': customRoute, 'customRole': customRole } only %} {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}