{% trans_default_domain 'admin' %}
{{ form_row(media.uploadedFile) }}
{% if displayLabel %}

{{ label }}

{% endif %}
{{ form_row(media.name) }}
{{ form_row(media.copyright) }}
{{ form_row(media.notContractual) }} {% include 'admin/core/form/i18ns.html.twig' with {'i18ns': media.i18ns} %}
{% set info = website()|fileInfo(entity.filename) %}
{{ "Informations"|trans }}
    {% if info.width is defined and info.width and info.height is defined and info.height %}
  • {{ "Taille originale (lxh) :"|trans}} {{ info.width }}px X {{ info.height }}px
  • {% endif %} {% if info.size is defined and info.size %}
  • {{ "Poids original :"|trans}} {{ info.size|formatBytes }}
  • {% endif %} {% if info.mime is defined and info.mime %}
  • {{ "MimeType :"|trans}} {{ info.mime }}
  • {% endif %} {% if info.extension is defined and info.extension %}
  • {{ "Extension :"|trans}} {{ info.extension }}
  • {% endif %} {% if info.dir is defined and info.dir %}
  • {{ "URL :"|trans}} {% if info.dir is defined and info.dir %} {{ app.request.getSchemeAndHttpHost() ~ info.dir }} {% endif %}
  • {% endif %}